Subject is located in Myrtle Trace, an age-restricted community (55+). Home is 28 years old and cosmetically dated, though listing agent believes it’s structurally sound, estimating cost to update kitchen, flooring, windows, doors, etc., at between $30K and $40K. Historically, Myrtle Trace properties adjacent water have commanded substantial premiums. The subject has a one-car garage.
102 Hickory Drive, 3 BR/2.5 baths, 1,950 GLA, Water View, listed at $129,000
Compared to Recent Sales (similar age bracket, all with a one-car garage):
Address in Myrtle Trace | BRs / Baths GLA |
Water View? | Sales Price | Closing Date | Data Source MLS # |
160 Myrtle Trace Dr. | 3/2 – 1750 | No | $120,000 | 08/09/2012 | 1119122 |
124 Birchwood Lane | 3/2 – 1450 | Yes | $125,000 | 06/01/2012 | 1112829 |
103 Linden Circle | 3/2 – 1850 | No | $167,500 | 11/25/2011 | 1113273 |
102 Bent Wood Circle | 3/2 – 1650 | Yes | $142,500 | 10/24/2011 | 1112896 |
112 Timberline | 3/2.5-1750 | Yes | $142,900 | 08/02/2011 | 1109561 |
140 Myrtle Trace | 3/2 – 1750 | No | $138,500 | 05/27/2011 | 1106351 |
The transfer of 124 Birchwood Lane at $125,000 was an estate property and reportedly, the heirs were anxious to sell and thus accepted a low offer.
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Estate Owned Property
MLS #1206084
Listing Agent: Carson Hardy