Myrtle Beach real estate appraiser explains process of appealing property taxes in Horry County, South Carolina.
Trying to calculate your Horry County real estate taxes?
Click the link below to download the 2012 millage chart.
How to calculate?
- Know your tax district number. How to find it? Use this link to input either your last name or your tax map number (aka TMS #). If you’re searching by your TMS number, do not use hyphens or dashes when inputting your tax map number
- When you get the search results that correlate to your property, click on the word Select (far right side of table). That will take you to details including your fair market value, your tax district number, your taxable capped value, and the history of your property taxes.
- Multiply your Taxable Capped Value (or “assessed value”) by .04 (if it’s your primary home) or by .06 if it’s not your primary residence.
- Then multiply that number (the answer or result in item 3, from above) by the millage rate listed on the 2012 millage chart. IMPORTANT NOTE: The millage rate for the 4% category is different from the millage rate for the 6% category.
Click here for Horry County Tax Assessor.
South Carolina State law requires each county within the State to conduct a countywide reassessment every five years. A one year extension is allowed by County ordinance. Horry County’s last reassessment occurred in 2008. If your property has not changed hands since then, you’re getting taxed at values effective as of December 31, 2008.
The next countywide reassessment is scheduled for 2014; the new assessments will be effective as of December 31, 2013.
If you bought property after 2008, your taxes should be assessed based on the property’s value as of December 31 in the tax year you closed.
Want to appeal your taxes?
You have until January 15 to file your appeal with the Tax Assessor’s office. The link below will give you more information on how to appeal property taxes along with the appropriate form to use.
Warning: Simply telling the County you think your assessed value is too high or that your neighbors are assessed for less will not work. You need to supply documentation in the form of comparable sales to evidence that indeed, your property value is lower than their assessment.
Click HERE to download appeal form.
Appraisal to Appeal Property Taxes
If you’d like our assistance in preparing an appraisal and/or delivering the appeal to the County, please contact us. Depending on the property, often an abbreviated appraisal can be completed, minimizing your appraisal expense.
We are offering early-order discounted fees to assist owners with their tax appeals. Details HERE.
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