Subject is located in Quail Creek subdivision, an established neighborhood built around Quail Creek Golf Course. Most homes were built in the 1980s. This property has a pool, but reportedly, it needs repairs. Agent stated the interior has new paint and carpet.
We found only one recent similar sale from Quail Creek (listed below). Also, currently in MLS, the next lowest priced property is listed at $249,900 (MLS # 1114770).
105 E. Coker Lane, 3 BR/2.5 baths, 2,450 GLA, built 1980, listed at $149,999
Compared to Recent Sales (similar age bracket, all with a one-car garage):
Address in Quail Creek | BRs/Baths |
GLA | Sales Price | Closing Date | Data Source MLS # |
125 Wofford Circle | 3/2.5 | 2,350 | $171,500 | 02/09/2012 | 1117494 |
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Bank Owned Property
MLS #1211092
Listing Office: RE/MAX Properties
Listing Agent: Sarah Grainger